Options Menu


To access the Options menu, first open PTFB Pro's main window by clicking on the tray icon, then click on the Options button.

The Options menu contains the following commands:


Stay on top

If this option is ticked, PTFB Pro's main window will stay in front of most other windows while you're working with it. It has no effect while PTFB Pro is minimized to the system tray.

Run at Startup

PTFB can be configured to run automatically when your computer starts up. This item shows the current state (ticked means auto-start is enabled) and allows you to toggle it without having to go into the Configuration screen.

Always Show Tabs

All PTFB Pro's items are held in tabbed groups. By default PTFB Pro hides the tab bar if there is only one tab - this makes more economical use of screen space.

Tick this option if you'd prefer PTFB Pro to show the tab bar at all times, regardless of how many tabs there are. Note that you may need to resize PTFB Pro's main window when the tabs are displayed.


A submenu containing commands for creating, renaming, ordering and deleting tabs. The same commands are presented when you right-click on an existing tab.


This opens up the PTFB Pro Configuration screen, allowing you to alter various settings including response time, SMTP configuration for notification emails, and logging options.

Set Password...

Access to PTFB Pro can be password-protected, preventing casual attempts to interfere with its operation. This may prove useful if you're using PTFB Pro on a demonstration computer, for example. To start password protection. select this command and enter a short password into the resulting Set Password dialog. To cancel password protection, just enter a blank password in to the Set password dialog.

If you password-protect PTFB Pro then subsequently forget your password, don't panic - there is a simple solution as long as you are comfortable with a little registry editing. See the Troubleshooting guide for more details.

New Macro

This submenu is just an alternative way of creating the two types of macro: window-based and screen-based.

Set Run Hotkey

When an enabled macro is selected in PTFB's list, the Run Macro button becomes available. This allows you to run a macro manually while PTFB's main window is open. The drawback is that to press the button, you've got to bring PTFB's window to the front. If you define a hotkey for the Run facility, you can use it even when PTFB's window is obscured by others.

Clear Run Hotkey

Removes the hotkey defined for the Run Macro button, if any.

Explore Log Folder

If you're using PTFB's notifications to log when an item fires, you can use this to quickly open an Explorer window at the folder that holds the log. The file you're looking for is "PTFBPro.log" - it's a plain, comma-separated text file viewable in Notepad and other text editors. Any associated screenshots will be the same folder.

Import Legacy Targets...

Users of older versions of PTFB can import existing target entries as follows:

  1. Select Import Legacy Targets... from the Options menu
  2. Browse to the PTFB.cfg left over from your old PTFB installation (you'll find it in the same directory that housed the original PTFB.exe file)
  3. If the import is successful, targets from the old .cfg will be added to any existing targets in PTFB Pro's list.


Opens up the PTFB Pro website in your default browser.

Support Forum...

Opens up your default browser and takes you straight to the PTFB Pro support forum on the TLHouse website

Email Tech Support

Composes a new email in your default email client, pre-addressed to our support address: support@ptfbpro.com

About PTFB Pro

Shows the About screen for PTFB pro. This contains the full product version number, and current trial or registration status.